In the military, blousing your boots is required for the OCP Uniform if your trousers are not tucked into your boots. This is outlined in AR 670-1, which also states that trousers should not be bloused below the third eyelet of the boot, and the blouse must not extend past your ankles. It’s also a requirement to make sure the blouse does not look pegged. With all of these considerations, what exactly is the best way to do it? For the following method, the only items you’ll need are your uniform pants, boots and a blousing band. Shop blousing bands.
Step 1
In a seated position, lift your pant leg to expose your boot.
Step 2
Next, hook the blousing band between the second and third eyelets from the top of your boot.
Step 3
Lift your trousers up to just below the band. If your trousers are especially long, you can cuff them to maintain a neat appearance.
Step 4
Finally, tuck the pant leg underneath the blousing band.
Some benefits to blousing your boots are maximizing agility, preventing dirt from entering your boots and boasting a clean, neat appearance. For these reasons, it’s important to know the most effective, comfortable and efficient way to blouse. Blousing may be a military requirement, but this technique is also common with other professions such as law enforcement officers wearing tactical boots.
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